I'm a swag-colored kitteh. Fear me. Rawr.

Hi! I see you’ve clicked the “Me” button. Now I have to tell you about myself! Yay!

I’m an aspiring polymath with many interests. It’s hard to define what my main interests are, but if I really had to pick, I would pick programming, mathematics and linguistics. I have many, many more interests, though. I spend most of my spare time coding, watching anime, reading stuff online, playing CodinGame, sleeping and making food.

I’m a software freedom proponent. I do not use exclusively free software, though, because while it’s pretty easy to go 90% of the way, going all the way is incredibly hard.

I like generative art, too. Programming interactive art is really fun! :D

The two languages I am fluent in are Dutch and English, my French is still not so great but I’ll eventually become fluent in that, too. A few of the languages that I’ve studied but can’t really hold a conversation in are Estonian, Esperanto and Japanese.

I would not be able to pick a favorite anime series since I’ve seen way too many, but a few that I can think of right now that I’ve really enjoyed are Steins;Gate, Shin Sekai Yori, No Game No Life, Drifters, Charlotte and Hunter x Hunter.

As for music, I listen to mostly nightcore and EDM.

I use ArchLinux with bspwm as my primary OS and XMPP as my primary method of communication.

My current favorite programming language is Rust, but my favorite programming languages tend to switch quite often.